Baby Termite Facts – Dangerous or Harmless?

Published On: November 4, 2022

Although you will rarely see them, baby termites are clear sign that there is an active termite infestation in your home!

Baby termites – called termite larvae – look a lot like adult termites, but are smaller and usually well-hidden deep inside the colony.

What Baby Termites look like

The size of baby termites is the most distinct feature: They are only about 2.5mm (1/10 inch) long, while adult termites are about 6.5mm (1/4 inch) long.

The color of baby termites is almost white, with a touch of very light brown or yellow. They are also slightly translucent, as their exoskeleton is not yet fully developed.

If you find termites that are mostly white, but have a dark head, they are most likely soldier termites, not larvae.

Baby termites are sometimes confused with maggots, but they are easy to tell apart if you get a closer look: Even newly hatched termites have a clear separation of head and torso, while maggots do not. The termites also have legs, which maggots don’t have.

Baby Termite Facts - Dangerous or Harmless

Termite Lifecycle – Eggs, Babies, Adults

A termite’s life starts with the Termite Queen laying eggs, every day. These eggs are then brough to incubation chambers by workers, where they are cared for.

These eggs hatch after about 3-4 weeks, and the hatched baby termites are brought into different chambers where they are fed and nurtured by termite workers.

Since termite larvae can’t chew wood yet, they have to be fed before they mature and become either workers, or turn into soldiers.

Before swarm season (usually in spring), some of the hatchlings will turn into Alates instead, winged reproductive termites that will fly out of the colony and try to start a new one.

All about Termite Reproduction Surprising Facts

Can baby termites eat wood?

Baby termites cannot digest wood yet, which is why they need to be fed by workers. They receive pre-digested wood, which is already broken down enough for their still-developing digestive system.

Can baby termites bite?

Baby termites will not bite you, even if you somehow get one on your body or in your hand. While termites in general won’t bite, soldier termites have mandibles that are big enough to bite you if they feel threatened. However, even these are not strong enough to actually hurt you.

Can baby termites fly?

Baby termites cannot fly, as they don’t have wings. Even those that grow into winged termites – Alates – don’t have developed wings yet as larvae.

How to get rid of baby termites?

You don’t have to take specific measures to get rid of baby termites. If you do see any, it’s time for professional termite treatment, as that’s a clear sign of an ongoing termite infestation. The most important goal is always to destroy the core of the colony, the queen and king. Only killing the eggs and babies won’t stop the infestation.

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Written by Andrew

Hi, I'm Andrew! I've had a strange interested in insects ever since I was a kid, and somehow ended up working in pest control and consulting. In my spare time I hike, read murder mysteries, and write for StopTinyThreats to help people deal with any insects they don't like having around.