Termite Lifecycle – From Egg to Queen

Termite Lifecycle – From Egg to Queen

Termites are one of the most destructive pests in the world, causing billions of dollars in damages each year. But what do you know about the life in their colony? Understanding the termite lifecycle is key to controlling these wood-eating insects and preventing an...
7 Baby Termite Facts (Scary & Interesting)

7 Baby Termite Facts (Scary & Interesting)

Termites are one of the most feared household pests in the US, and the best way to protect against them is with the right knowledge. Dispel common myths about baby termites with these facts – because despite popular fears, termite babies are completely harmless. But...
Baby Termite Facts – Dangerous or Harmless?

Baby Termite Facts – Dangerous or Harmless?

Although you will rarely see them, baby termites are clear sign that there is an active termite infestation in your home! Baby termites – called termite larvae – look a lot like adult termites, but are smaller and usually well-hidden deep inside the colony. What Baby...
Termite Eggs: Important Facts & Myths

Termite Eggs: Important Facts & Myths

There are many facts about termite eggs that are important to know, such as how termite eggs look like and how many eggs termite queens can lay per day. Sadly, there is much misinformation spread on the internet. Termite eggs are tiny white pellets, only around 0.5 mm...
Termite Alate: Dangerous Winged Termites

Termite Alate: Dangerous Winged Termites

Flying termites are the most obvious, and possibly the scariest termites you may encounter. While regular termites are small and seemingly invisible, termite alate may besiege your house in spring in large numbers. Winged termites are called “Alate” and are like...