Do Termites eat Mahogany? Facts & Myths

Published On: December 13, 2022

Termites, the tiny wood-eating creatures, can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare. They can silently invade and damage homes, often going undetected for years while causing massive damage.

While termites can feast on many types of wood, mahogany is highly termite-resistant. This makes mahogany a popular choice for termite-proof construction. But can termites still eat mahogany? Let’s take a closer look.

Is Mahogany termite-resistant?

Mahogany is a strong, termite-resistant wood that has been used for centuries in furniture making and home construction due to its durability and aesthetic appeal. But do termites actually eat mahogany?

The answer is yes – termites can eat mahogany but they prefer other types of wood over it.

Mahogany boasts extraordinary durability compared to other wood types, as it is particularly resistant to rot, decay, and termite infestations.

Much of this durability can be attributed to mahogany’s tight grain structure, which limits the absorption of moisture that poses a risk of rotting and encourages the growth of pests like termites.

The natural oils within mahogany also increase its resilience against wear and tear, reducing the chances of an infestation from these highly destructive pests.

As such, mahogany is an ideal choice for furniture aficionados seeking classically beautiful pieces with outstanding longevity that are resistant to damage from pesky critters.

If you’re looking for termite-resistant wood, there are actually quite a few choices!

Do Termites eat Mahogany Facts & Myths
Mahogany floors can be luxurious and a centerpiece of your design – and without a worry about termites eating your floor

Should you use anti-termite wood treatment on mahogany wood?

Mahogany is naturally resistant to decay, limiting the need for treatment. However, it does not have complete immunity to termites (no wood does) and it does benefit from regular anti-termite treatments.

The key with mahogany wood is to take measures that are appropriate for this type of wood, which means very mild treatments or better yet, only using sealers.

Sealers protect mahogany from moisture and decay while allowing the natural beauty of the wood to shine through. It also makes it very difficult for termites to chew through the surface and bore into the wood.

If you choose to use preservatives or anti-termite treatments on mahogany wood, always use a water-based solution specifically designed for wood as acids or other harsh chemicals can damage this precious resource.

Additionally, you can buy mahogany wood pre-treated with commercial pressure treatment. This kind of lumber will already be infused with termite-killing substances. The advantage here is that you won’t have to risk damaging your lumber boards with DIY treatments.

Should you use Mahogany for construction?

The answer to whether you should use mahogany for termite-proof construction depends on the project you are undertaking.

As a heavy hardwood, it makes good flooring material due to its durability, as well as forming an effective barrier against various insects.

Mahogany also works well for walls, including external ones, providing robust levels of defense against wood-eating insects. It can be used for decks too, but needs frequent maintenance to maintain its protection levels.

The same applies to outdoor furniture made of mahogany – regular cleaning and repairs are important to keep the wood safe from termites.

Mahogany wood is highly prized for its beautiful color and rich, almost luminous grain pattern, but you should expect to pay a higher price for the construction, as well as for regular maintenance if you decide on using mahogany for construction projects.

Do Termites eat Mahogany Facts & Myths
Mahogany is a real eye-catcher – and can stay beautiful for years with its natural termite-resistance


Termites can eat mahogany, but it is a termite-resistant wood that has been used for centuries in furniture making and home construction due to its durability and aesthetic appeal.

Mahogany boasts extraordinary durability compared to other wood types, as it is particularly resistant to rot, decay, and termite infestations. The natural oils within mahogany also increase its resilience against wear and tear, reducing the chances of an infestation from these highly destructive pests.

As such, mahogany is an ideal choice for furniture aficionados seeking classically beautiful pieces with outstanding longevity that are resistant to damage from pesky critters.

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Written by Andrew

Hi, I'm Andrew! I've had a strange interested in insects ever since I was a kid, and somehow ended up working in pest control and consulting. In my spare time I hike, read murder mysteries, and write for StopTinyThreats to help people deal with any insects they don't like having around.