Do Termites eat Walnut? Facts & Myths

Published On: December 13, 2022

Termites are a huge problem for homeowners and can cause a lot of damage if left untreated. In this article, you will learn why walnut is termite resistant, and if termites can eat walnut wood despite that fact.

Is Walnut termite-resistant?

Walnut wood is generally known to be termite-resistant and is thus a highly favored material when constructing furniture and other items.

This is because walnut wood has the ability to repel moisture, therefore preventing it from rotting and being affected by termites.

Another major factor that helps walnut wood remain termite-resistant is its tight grain, which helps prevent insects from boring deep into the wood.

The smooth and dense texture of the wood greatly reduces the area for entry for any insects, protecting it from destruction for many years.

Did you know? Walnut is just one of a handful of wood types that are termite-resistant!

Do Termites eat Walnut Facts & Myths
Walnut hardwood is a beautiful choice for flooring – and termite-resistant, too!

Can Termites eat Walnut wood?

While walnut is very dense and durable, it is not immune to an infestation – termites will eventually bore into it if given the chance. However, with good care and maintenance, this type of hardwood will last a long time.

Should you treat walnut boards or furniture?

Wood treatment for walnut wood is a good idea, especially if you use the wood for outdoor construction or furniture. Anything exposed to the elements will crack and decay, creating openings for hungry termites.

Especially if there are boards or beams in direct contact or submerged in the soil, treatment is a must.

Keep reading the next article to learn more about wood treatment for termites.

Should you use Walnut lumber for construction?

Using walnut wood is an excellent choice for making your home termite-proof. It is extremely durable and resistant to water damage, decay, and termites!

This makes it perfect for use in flooring, walls, outdoor decks, and outdoor furniture – all of which are susceptible to the damage that termites can cause in your home.

Not only is walnut wood extremely durable against bugs and other pests, but it also looks beautiful when used for construction purposes. Its bold dark hue will add a style factor to any space or project you decide to use walnut wood on.

When considering materials for your next building project or remodel job, consider using Walnut wood – you can be sure that besides looking great it will provide the lasting protection from termites that your home needs.

Do Termites eat Walnut Facts & Myths
With the right care, walnut wood is a solid option for outdoor constructions such as decks


Though termites can eventually eat into walnut, the wood is naturally resistant to their damage and makes for an excellent choice in construction projects. Walnut lumber can withstand a lot of wear and tear, as well as being water-resistant and decay-resistant, making it perfect for flooring, walls, and furniture that would otherwise be susceptible to termite damage.

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Written by Andrew

Hi, I'm Andrew! I've had a strange interested in insects ever since I was a kid, and somehow ended up working in pest control and consulting. In my spare time I hike, read murder mysteries, and write for StopTinyThreats to help people deal with any insects they don't like having around.