How Termites can Cause Fires – and Burn your House down!

Published On: November 18, 2022

While it’s not their typical style, termites can be quite the little arsonists – multiple fires around the world have been caused by termites.

The destruction termites cause in wood can create fire hazards, usually due to open wiring, and start electrical fires.

While these are rare cases, they are proof that ignoring termites will never work in your favor!

Keep reading for some fascinating (and scary) stories about termites that played with fire.

How Termite damage can cause a fire

Homeowners fear them for how fast they can destroy wood, but that’s not all: In some cases, Termites have caused fires that burned the house down.

While that may seem like a scary bedtime story for kids (or homeowners), it also makes sense: Most houses have electrical wiring in the wall. When termites start chewing through a wall with wiring, they might damage the wires.

With unprotected wires and plenty of easily flammable wood, it’s no surprise that there can be a spark that starts a fire.

While there are cases like this where termites have been recognized as the source of the fire, these events are quite rare.

Take this possibility as another reason to protect your home against termites by a professional.

Even Termite droppings can start a fire

In another, even more bizarre case, a house fire was attributed to termite droppings that decomposed and spontaneously combusted. Yes, termite poop has burned a house down. (source)

Keep in mind that termites cannot intentionally start a fire, and it’s not in their best interest, either. After all, they want to eat the wood, not burn it. More importantly, the colony dies if the house they live in burns.

Heat treatment is very effective against termites, so a fire will certainly kill them. Though there are cheaper ways to get rid of them.

Parkerville Bushfire caused by termites

An aerial view of damaged caused by the Parkerville fire. Credit: Mogens Johansen.

How Termites burned down a forest by accident

In 2014, a massive bushfire in Parkerville, Australia burned down about 1,000 acres and caused over 13 million dollars in damage – and it was all because of a few busy termites.

The termites had found a tasty food source – the wooden pole of a power line. After years of chewing through it, it eventually fell. The power lines came into contact with dry vegetation and immediately ignited them.

The blame was put on the company maintaining and checking the power poles – for not recognizing the termite damage.

Just one more reason to hire a professional pest control company to check your house for termites, rather than doing it yourself – termites are possibly the most difficult pest to find!

Also, let this be a reminder that any wooden structures in your yard or property may get infested with termites – so if you have anything that shouldn’t crumble, get it checked yearly!

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Written by Andrew

Hi, I'm Andrew! I've had a strange interested in insects ever since I was a kid, and somehow ended up working in pest control and consulting. In my spare time I hike, read murder mysteries, and write for StopTinyThreats to help people deal with any insects they don't like having around.