When are Termites active? Which Season, what Time?

Published On: December 16, 2022

Termites are active all day and night, throughout all seasons. Though they swarm in certain seasons, they can be a problem any time of year.

Here’s what you need to know about termite activity, so you can watch out for them and deal with any problems they might cause.

Are termites active at night?

Termites are unique in the animal kingdom as they do not have a need for sleep. Instead, they are constantly working towards expanding their colony by tunneling through wood, ingesting it, and creating protective tunnels and chambers for their nest.

A termite colony is effectively working 24/7 – digging into your home bite by bite. However, there is one distinction between day and night: Termites can quickly die of sun exposure, so if they come out of their tunnels, it’s mostly during the night.

Do termites sleep at all?

No, termites need no sleep, ever. They only rest if the conditions become unfavorable – too cold, for example. This gives them the ability to work tirelessly, which is their main job: decomposing dead wood.

In what Seasons are Termites active?

Termites are not seasonal insects in the typical sense – they not only work all day and night, but during all seasons as well.

So you do not have a respite from these insects during hot summers or cold winters – they are well-protected in their colonies and will continue working no matter the weather.

Termites are busy all year - from Spring to Fall they swarm, but they never stop digging and tunneling!
Termites are busy all year – from Spring to Fall they swarm, but they never stop digging and tunneling!

Are termites active in Spring?       

Most subterranean termites swarm in the spring. That means that a lot of them come out of their tunnels and fly around looking for a new place to live. They do this during warm days when it isn’t too cold or too hot and the wind isn’t blowing too hard. You can find these termites all over the USA, except in the north.

Read more about the termite swarm season – what it is, and why you need to know about it!

In the days leading up to the big departure of all their swarmers, termites are spending less time digging tunnels, and more time preparing for this yearly event. However, as soon as the winged termites, called Alates, have left the colony, the remaining workers get back to tunneling and expanding the colony.

Are termites active in Summer?

Termites are active throughout the summer season, but they are most active in specific species and regions. Drywood termites and one subterranean termite species (R. hageni) typically swarm during late summer or fall months, from August through November. These are mainly seen in southern states of the USA.

Additionally, dampwood termites are known to swarm mainly during the warmer season as well. They mostly live near the Pacific Coast.

The only respite you may have in summer is during particularly hot days. During heat waves, termites hide deep in their colonies where they are protected from the heat that can otherwise kill them. However, this might not stop them from tunneling deeper into the wood they are infesting.

Are termites active in Fall?

The same species that swarm in summer may delay their big swarm until early fall, sometimes even as late as November.

With lots of rain comes lots of moisture – especially exposed wood becomes especially vulnerable to termites in this season. Make sure to get any wood treatments done before fall to protect your constructions from decay and rot!

If it looks like this near your home, make sure to get a pest control expert for an inspection soon!
If it looks like this near your home, make sure to get a pest control expert for an inspection soon!

Are termites active in Winter?

Winter is the only season that termites do not swarm in. However, this does not mean that they are completely inactive during winter. They will focus all their efforts on tunneling, laying eggs, and providing plenty of food for the young ones.

While the winter cold can kill termites, drywood and dampwood termites build their colonies within your home, which is usually kept warm enough to protect them.

Only subterranean termites may retreat deep underground to stay protected from freezing temperatures.

When do you need to watch out for termites?

There are three main signs you need to watch out for, and you need to be watchful throughout the entire year.

First, during swarm season – which is during different months, depending on where you live, you need to watch out for any winged termites near your home. Make sure to get a termite inspection after you have seen swarmers near your home. If you have a termite bond, yearly termite inspections are often done after swarm season is over.

Additionally, you have to be vigilant all year and watch out for mud tubes – these trails are signs of termite activity and are built by subterranean termites. This species can spread underground from one house to another without swarmers – which is why they may show up unannounced at any time of the year.

Finally, you have to be mindful of other signs of termite activity – if any swarmers have dug into your home undetected, you don’t want to let the colony grow for years.


It’s likely not what you wanted to hear, but the truth is: Termites are active throughout the entire year, and you need to be watchful year-round as well.

They typically swarm either in spring, or in late summer, but remain active at all times, even at night.

This incredibly busy nature of termites is yet another reason why ensuring your home is well-protected is an important investment into your home’s long-term value.

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Written by Andrew

Hi, I'm Andrew! I've had a strange interested in insects ever since I was a kid, and somehow ended up working in pest control and consulting. In my spare time I hike, read murder mysteries, and write for StopTinyThreats to help people deal with any insects they don't like having around.